June 2, 1944

Pvt. W.m D. Johnson Jr 34945847                    June 2, 1944
B Co. 226 Trg Bn.
69th Trg Regt IR.T.C.
Camp Blanding Fla.

Thurs 9 P.M.

Dearest Mom & Dad –

Your letter yesterday, Mom. Surely glad to hear from you. Also had a nice long letter from Macey comparing notes on our training.

Dad, I’m proud of you getting elected 2nd V.P. of American War Dads. Also glad to hear from Mom that you are setting the woods afire as Mgr of the fur. dept. Also glad to hear of your prospective trip to Chi.

Mom, you were right in stating that I realize now I lived “like a lord” when a civvie. This life makes you realize it pretty quick.

I’m still doing fine. It gets hot here, but it rains unexpectedly and a breeze comes up now and then. They feed us salt on a scientific basis, so I think I’ll stand the heat ok even tho its pretty hot. As the Cap’n pointed out it isn’t near as hot as the pacific islands.

I won’t have any time until Sunday and won’t then if I catch K.P. which I am due to catch most any day now.

Macey seemed in good shape & very much pepped up over the prospect of seeing his family.

I haven’t written Rip but plan to tonite.

Dad, I haven’t heard from you yet. Hope all goes well at the store.

I’m getting pretty brown – You all wouldn’t know me. Also today I finished my gas training by going thru it & into gas chamber. I’m fine & hardening up every day & will be breezing thru in a few more weeks. You all write soon.

Love always
