Pvt. W.D Johnson Jr 34945847
G Co. 26th Inf
APO 1 c/o Postmaster
New York, N.Y.
March 23, 1945
Dearest Mother & Dad:
Well, we have had some busy times lately and now we have pulled back for a day or two of rest – much needed rest. Even when we are back “resting” its very often not much of a rest and we don’t often have all the time we would like to have to write. We have to spend quite a while getting a shower even. You ride sometimes an hour or so each way and after showering you often have to wait a long time for a truck to come back. but a shower is a real luxury after 3 or 4 weeks without one! You get pretty dirty in that length of time.
We’ve been lucky lately in fighting mostly in towns and after we take a town we get to sleep in bldgs. We very seldom get to sleep in a bed and are most often in the basement sleeping on the floor because like as not the Jerries are shelling the town after we run them out of it. And like as not the upper portions of the house are already tottering from the shelling we gave it before we moved in! However, we have had to spend some time in foxholes too. In fact one day lately we had to dig 3 holes in about 24 hours.
Mom, your letters, both current ones and letters written some time ago, have been coming in regularly. Your letters are wonderful and they really are an inspiration. It just makes me feel better all over after I read a letter from you and I just know everything is going to turn out ok. You’re mighty sweet, honey, and it’s such a comfort to have you back home pulling for me. I know you have a job writing all your boys in the service but I want you to know your efforts are appreciated.
I have had letters from Rip and Macey lately. Both seem to be doing fine. I’m so glad Macey got the break and didn’t get into the infantry. In the infantry one is like the violet “born to blush unseen etc”. He seems to like his outfit and says the job doesn’t look too dangerous & that the only Jerries he’s seen so far have been dead ones.
Well, honies, I gotta close. I’m fine and hope same for you both. Take care of yourselves and God bless you too.
Love always David