Pvt. W.D Johnson Jr 34945847 (Postmarked August 1, 1944)
Co B 227 Bn
69th Trg. Regt. IRTC
Camp Blanding Fla.
Monday Nite
Dearest Mom & Dad:
Well, as you can imagine, I was completely remodeled by the vision of Louise this week end. I’m a new man and being with her was like a brief trip to heaven. Nothing could have done me more good than seeing her. I just wish Julie could have come too but it wouldn’t have been practical to bring her.
Mother the box was lovely. Louise and I took it to St. Augustine thinking we could picnic at the beach but we had such a short time there we couldn’t get to the beach. So we ate the cookies and I brought the rest back & have already eaten the candy. I’m keeping the other food till a day when we are starved from eating C Rations. The food was so well chosen & all stuff I like & I’m really looking forward to opening it up on a rare occasion which will arise soon.
Had a note from Macey last week saying bivouac was over & he was awaiting shipping orders & a furlough.
Mom I was happy to get your note Friday and the snapshot which I think is very good. Alice and Frank are right good with pictures.
I know Louise will tell you all about our wonderful visit together and she can probably tell you a lot about camp here and the Army life that I’ve never thought to write. We surely had a grand time and I was lucky to be able to get time off to be with her as much as I was. I surely hated to leave her in St. Aug. before her train left as my pass expired at 6:00 PM and Louise’s train left at 5 so I had to leave town ahead of her.
It’s time for lights out so I had better wind up for now. Thanks again and again for the lovely box and it is really going to come in handy.
Dad, I hope all’s well with you – write soon. I think the time will pass pretty fast from now on so it won’t be long till I’ll see you all – and I’m really looking forward to it. Thanks again for everything (I almost forgot to mention the money) and I’ll write more next time. Love to you both