October 11, 1944

Pvt. W. D. Johnson Jr 34945847     (Postmarked October 11, 1944)
B-19-5  A.G.F. Repl. Depot  # 1
Fort Geo. G. Meade, Md.

Thursday  7:15 P.M.

Dearest Mother & Dad:

I surely was happy to hear from you today, Mom. Yours was the first letter I’ve received since I’ve been here – Louise’s letters have gotten held up somewhere. I was glad to hear that she is okay.

I’m doing fine here. Our outfit is headed overseas. I was told first (yesterday) I was going now today they say I’m not on the list. I’m the only one not shipping so I don’t know what to think & can’t tell you all anything yet as to what disposition they will make with me. I could be shipped with another outfit or held here or transferred to another camp in the interior.

Have spent evenings in Washington & Baltimore since I’ve been here. They are very liberal on passes here – to give us as good a time as possible before we go over, I guess. Wash is about 20 miles and Baltimore is about 16 or 18 & good transportation to both towns. The money you all gave me has enabled me to go to town & splurge a little & it has surely been fine to have. Also I bought me a little cigarette lighter with some of it. Thanks again.

They aren’t working us too hard – just enough to keep us busy & keep us from getting soft.

The enclosed sorry picture was taken by a 15 mechanical camera booth in Baltimore last nite. I sent Louise a couple – none of them were any good. I only took 3.

Mom, I appreciate Alice’s message. Also I was glad to hear the picnic was a success but was sorry Julie didn’t get to go.

It’s pretty cool weather here – ideal weather for marching etc. It’ll be cold here before too long. I sorta like it but might change my tune when it really turns cool.

I’ll let you all know where I’m going as soon as I know and in the meantime, don’t worry. Since I was not put on this shipment I have a hunch I’m not to be sent overseas. You all write as often as you can and here’s

Lots of love to each of you
