October 17, 1944

Pvt. Wm D. Johnson Jr 34945847     (Postmarked October 17, 1944)
B-19-5 AGF Repl. Depot  # 1
Fort Geo. G. Meade, Md.

Monday Nite

Dearest Mom:

Two letters from you today! Swell! They were written Thurs & Fri of last week & I also got your letter written last Wed. I’m glad you liked your purse honey. I’m not a good picker-outer of women’s things so I hope it is suitable. I thought you might like something that came from about the ritziest store you ever saw!

I had a nice week-end in Washington. Am getting quite familiar with the town & riding these fast trains etc. I spent most of my time at the YMCa USO. Im appalled at the free entertainment, & food furnished soldiers in the larger cities. They really take care of you. I slept Sat nite at a USO for 50. I’ve been on KP again today. Nuff said. Glad you gave me Jess’ address. I’ll write her a card right now. I’ve meant to write her & tell her Im sorry I didn’t even have time to call her when I went thru Atlanta. I nearly missed my connection there.

Honey, maybe I forgot to tell you, but please don’t mention to anyone any of my comments about what I might do or my outfit leaving etc. I’m really not sposed to mention those things to you all.

Still no news of what they intend to do with me. I’ll let you know as soon as I hear something.

Dad I’m glad you had your picture made. Mom writes they were good & I know they must be with such a subject!

Well, honies, I gotta get up at 3 am tomorrow & serve on KP till 7am so better go to bed. Surely enjoy your letters, Mom, & would like to hear from you too Dad. You all take good care of yourselves and you can be sure that I’m taking care of my self too.

Love always

David Jr